Posts Tagged ‘Voices that Matter’
Tuesday, October 20th, 2009
Now in its sixth year, the Canadian Business Leadership Forum shares first-hand accounts of successful strategies and leadership initiatives that teach attendees new skills and innovative ways of thinking.
Organized by Canadian Business Magazine, the day-long program will be held on October 21, 2009 at The Carlu in Toronto and is aiming to inspire, motivate, and help deliver competitive advantage to organizations. The Foush is a featured speakers at this conference. More details on the speakers lineup can be found here.
Rahaf will be also signing her book Yes We Did on location.
Tags: Add new tag, Entrepreneurship, innovation, Keynote, leadership, Magazine, New Media, Obama campaign, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Thursday, October 15th, 2009
HealthCare Leaders is a non-profit association of individuals who hold leadership and management positions in health care, or within organizations that serve health care, in British Columbia.
HealthCare Leaders is most frequently known for its continuing professional education offerings including its annual Leadership Conference in October and Community Care Conference in May, both of which draw hundreds of participants from all parts of the province. The Association provides several other services for members.
This year’s Leadership Conference will be held on October 19th and 20th at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, BC. It is titled “Leading Healthcare: Inspire and Achieve” and will be focusing on leadership strategies, complex networks and organizational reform. The full program of the conference can be found here. The Foush will be speaking at the conference on October 20th and will be signing her book Yes We Did
Tags: BC, British Columbia, Community Development, Government 2.0, Health Care, healthcare, Keynote, leadership, Obama campaign, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Wednesday, September 30th, 2009
Over the past 20 years, Moncton transformed itself from a blue-collar town with an uncertain future to one of the most diversified and fastest growing metropolitan centers in Canada. The success of its transformation is entirely due to its focus on the Broadband Economy, and how all stakeholders have collaborated to leverage technology for community development.
The hard work of the past two decades was recognized earlier this year when the Intelligent Community Forum in New York named Moncton one of the 2009 Top Seven Intelligent Communities in the world. In fact, the Canadian Province of New Brunswick has been identified by the Intelligent Community Forum as a best practice model. This year, two New Brunswick cities, Moncton and Fredericton, are among the 2009 Top Seven Intelligent Communities.
Now Moncton is host to the First Intelligent Communities Summit, where participants will share best practices and brainstorm on the next steps in leveraging technology for community development. These next steps will be designed to help businesses and communities weather economic storms, prosper and improve quality of life.
Rahaf will be the keynote speaker at the Economic Club of Canada luncheon on October 7th. The presentation will be followed by a book signing event for Rahaf’s book Yes We Did.
Tags: Community Development, Community Futures, Government 2.0, Intelligent communities, Keynote, Moncton, New Media, Obama campaign, Obama volunteer, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Sunday, June 7th, 2009
The Lac Carling Congress annually brings together senior ESD practitioners (e.g. DMs, CIOs, ADMs, DGs, Project Directors, etc.) from all three levels of government in Canada with private sector companies who are or wish to be partners in the delivery of ESD solutions. The event focuses on the advancement of electronic delivery of government services in Canada. The theme for Lac Carling 2009 is: Govt. 2.0 – The Value Proposition.
The Conference is being held June 14-16 at the Queen’s Landing in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. Rahaf will be the keynote speaker and participate in a panel discussion on Sunday June 14th.
Tags: Community Development, Government 2.0, New Media, Niagara, Obama campaign, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009
The Foush will be speaking at Marcom 2009 – Canada’s public sector marketing and communications symposium held June 3-4, 2009 at the Pearson Convention Center, 2638 Steels Avenue East, Brampton, Ontario.
Rahaf’s keynote presentation will be 8:30 to 9:30 AM on June 4th followed by a book signing event.
Tags: New Media, Obama campaign, Obama volunteer, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Saturday, May 30th, 2009
The ESI (European Software Institute) and BIC Berrilan are hosting Rahaf at two events in San Sebastien and Bilbao on June 2, 2009.
ESI-Tecnalia is a private technological center and a non-profit foundation created in 1993 by the European Commission with the support of the Basque Government. ESI’s mission is to contribute to the development of the Information Society and increase industry competitiveness, by means of knowledge, innovation, continuous improvement and the promotion and dissemination of Information Technology.
The ESI main activity is based on helping the software industry in their objectives of producing better software of a higher quality, on time, in the best way and at a lower cost. ESI also develops a wide range of initiatives directed at promoting the development of the Information Society through the use of ICT for citizens and enterprises, especially SMEs and micro-enterprises. A team of over 105 internationally qualified staff provide high added-value services. The staff’s average age is 33 years!
BIC Berrilan is the Center for Business Innovation (CEI) Gipuzkoa that since 1993, develops a range of activities aimed to provide support to any enterprise challenged to innovate. Its mission is to support the creation of new enterprises, diversification of business and to drive the incorporation of innovation in existing businesses. It also provides technical support and infrastructure to its customers.
Tags: Community Development, New Media, Obama campaign, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Friday, May 29th, 2009
Rahaf will be the breakfast keynote speaker at the 2009 Community Futures National Event being held at Blue Mountain Resorts near Collingwood, ONTARIO from May 28 – 30th. More than 600 community volunteers and professional staff from the 269 Community Futures/Community Business Development Corporations (CFDC/CBDC) across Canada gather at this event to explore ideas and share insights on community development activities.

Yes We Did!
Rahaf’s new book “YES WE DID: An Inside Look at How Social Media Built the Obama Brand” will be released on June 4th . The launch event in the Fleck Atrium of University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, is already sold out. The book is available online from Amazon here.
Tags: Community Development, Community Futures, Obama campaign, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Thursday, May 28th, 2009
Rahaf will be speaking today at the Mount Royal College in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. When Mount Royal first opened its doors nearly 100 years ago — Sept. 8, 1911 — it welcomed 189 students. Today, some 12,000 credit students take a variety of programs and courses including bachelor’s degrees, applied degrees, university transfer courses, diplomas and certificates. With Bill 4, the Post-Secondary Learning Amendment Act, receiving royal assent May 26 when the Lieutenant Governor signed it into law, Mount Royal College has applied to use “university” in its name.
Rahaf’s talk is titled “Yes We Did: Strategic Insights from Barack Obama’s campaign”. It will be followed by a book signing event for her newly released book “YES WE DID: An Inside Look at How Social Media Built the Obama Brand” .

Yes We Did!
The launch event of the new book on June 4th in the Fleck Atrium (ground floor), Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, is already sold out. The book is available online from Amazon here.
Tags: New Media, Obama campaign, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Friday, April 24th, 2009
Continuing her North American blitz tour The Foush will be speaking at the Voices that Matter 2009 conference in San Fransisco, California. Her keynote on April 28, 2009 at the Grand Hyatt’s Ballroom West is titled “Marketing Obama: Social Media Gets a Seat at the Table”. Leveraging curiosity about the inner workings of the Obama campaign, Rahaf is continuing to communicate the lessons learned and the importance of the fundamental principles validated by that campaign for the successful use of social media.

Available June 4th
The count down is on for the launch of Rahaf’s new book “YES WE DID: An Inside Look at How Social Media Built the Obama Brand” on June 4th in the Fleck Atrium (ground floor), Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, 105 St. George St., Toronto. Registration Fee: $29.99 per person plus GST (includes the session, 1 copy of “Yes We Did!”, and refreshments). To register online click here then scroll down and select Innvation in Business Speaker Series.
Tags: New Media, Obama campaign, Obama volunteer, social media, Voices that Matter
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