- Organized and presented Foresight as a Tool for Resilient Planning as part of Evergreen’s Municipalities Peer Exchange (London, Ontario)
- Invited participant to BMW Foundation’s 12th Global Roundtable: Creating Resilient Societies through Dialog in Lillehammer, Norway
- Experimental project-based graduate course in collaboration with Eindhoven University of Technology designed and implemented in Eindhoven and Toronto
- Organized and hosted the international symposium Studio Summit II: Moving Studios into the Digital Age (Toronto) in collaboration with Autodesk and MaRS
- Designed and held a full-day workshop for the Metropolis Conference on Canadian Identity (Quebec)
- Organized the National Gathering for Founding the For-Benefit Alliance
- Visualization of environmental indicator data for the Living City Report Card update by Toronto & Region Conservation Authority (TRCA)
- Visualization of complex climate change vulnerability data for the Peel Climate Change Partnership in the Region of Peel
- Designing & delivering a workshop on emergent innovation for the Conference Board of Canada’s Council for Learning & Leadership Development
- Designing & delivering graduate course on Business Model Development for Philadelphia University’s new Strategic Design MBA
- Participation in the Economic Futures Ontario 2032 project with sLab
- Business model analysis & development for OCAD University’s strategic plan 2012-2017
- Design & co-facilitation of stakeholders engagement event for Ontario Regional Consortium on Climate Change (ORCCC)
- Contribution to program design and content development of OCAD’s Master Program in Strategic Foresight & Innovation
- Designing a SMART Social Media Strategy for Sharpe Blackmore
- Customer engagement strategies at ING Direct Canada
- Designing an internal brand auditing system for a major Canadian Broadcaster
- Exploring brand evolution properties for a major global Consumer Packaged Goods Company
- New Media Strategy for the McMichael Art Gallery of Canada.
- Designing a new range of export products for Jaba System Inc.
- Designing ICT infrastructure and processes for Nautical Data Systems Inc.
- Technology evaluation and new product ideation for eRecords Ltd.
- Facilitating internal strategic discussions at International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
- Strategic options development for Delfour Corporation (later acquired by Headwater Technology Solutions Inc.)
- Designing future-proof ICT infrastructure for Mayhew + Associates’ new headquarters in Markham
- Assessing the technology of VisionMD for an investor group (acquired later by Nightingale Informatix)
- Designing the national information and telecommunications policies for first democratic government of South Africa
- Structure and programs of the Centre for Environmental Health Activities (CEHA) of the World Health Organization (W.H.O.)
- Advising on the sustainable technology dimension for IDRC’s ACACIA Project
- Advising the Government of Jordan on creating its National Information System and defining its information economy