Posts Tagged ‘Government 2.0’
Monday, February 20th, 2017
In September of 2015 we reported on our participation in founding the League of Intrapreneurs Canada (LOI). It’s time to report on the progress since then. One of the observations was that intrapreneurs were feeling isolated and frustrated. As a first measure to address this issue founding members of the LOI (such as the School of Social Entrepreneurs-Ontario and OCAD’s Resilience Design Lab) hosted gatherings of intrapreneurs. The purpose was to strengthen network links and show intrapreneurs that they were not alone and that many are facing similar challenges.
The next step was to start thinking about supporting intrapreneurs, particularly in the public sector, by providing adequate training and tools. While the School of Entrepreneurs (SSE-O) is focusing on the training aspect, we are collaborating with the Resilience Design Lab (R-Lab) on developing and testing tools, including processes for visualizing complex data for decision support, and methods for influencing organizational behaviour. We’ll be reporting in future blogs on some of those tools and methods.
Tags: Community Development, Government 2.0, leadership, OCADU, R-Lab, Resilience, SSE-O
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Thursday, January 15th, 2015
The Design with Dialogue group in collaboration with Strategic Innovation Lab of OCAD University is dedicating its January session to discuss the convergence of governance and digital technologies. The session’s agenda is to use dialogic techniques to discuss the co-evolution of connected citizens in Canadian governance. DwD events usually attract 20-30 participants of diverse backgrounds. Discussions are usually rich and nuanced and participants leave often with surprising new insights.
The event takes place on Wednesday January 14th from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in the Lambert Lounge (Room 187) at OCAD’s flagship building, the Sharp Design Center (100 McCaul st., Toronto).
Tags: Community Futures, digitl governance, Government 2.0, Intelligent communities, sLab
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Thursday, June 5th, 2014
The Conference Board of Canada is organizing June 11-13 the Joint Councils of Human Resource Executives in Quebec City. The title of the event is: Predictions and Plans for the Changing World of Work. We have been invited to provide a mini-workshop on the role of foresight in the learning organization. Using four scenarios for Ontario in the year 2032 participants will engage in a facilitated exploration of the implications of each scenario for their organization and the sector. The consideration of multiple scenarios supports expansive thinking and planning for possibilities not usually considered in traditional strategic planning.
Tags: Community Futures, future of work, Government 2.0, HR, human resources, Intelligent communities, leadership
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Saturday, February 2nd, 2013
This was the title of a talk by Madelaine Droha, Canada correspondent for The Economist in January 2013 at the Gardiner Museum in Toronto. A provocative title for sure given that she was addressing a Canadian audience. Curiously enough this event on a mostly economic topic was co-sponsored by the LRC (Literary Review of Canada) and CIC (Canadian International Council).
Behind the provocative title the topic was about lessons Canada should learn from other global resource economies, in particular using sovereign wealth funds to create a development fund for the future.
Around the world wealthy countries like Norway as well as developing countries like Timor and indeed Angola have been putting at least part of revenues from non-renewable natural resources such as oil, gas, timber and mining products into a sovereign fund, whose investments yields would be used for preparing for a future without such resources.
Canadian governments have largely balked at saving such revenues and are “Spending like There’s No Tomorrow”, which is the title of the essay Ms. Drohan wrote for the Literary Review of Canada in January/February 2013 issue. The essay is based on her recently published CIC report “9 Habits of Successful Resource Economies”. The report is available in print form and also electronically from CIC’s web site. It provides an interesting new perspective on Canada’s economy and the future.
Tags: British Columbia, Canada, Community Futures, economy, Government 2.0, sovereign funds
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Wednesday, July 25th, 2012
Toronto is buzzing this week with foresight events and activities. WorldFuture 2012: The annual conference of the World Future Society, is taking place at the Toronto Sheraton Centre, July 27-29, 2012. In conjunction with it the Futures:BetaLaunch 2012 also known as F:BL 2012 awards will be celebrated. This free event features 11 award winning future-focused start-ups is scheduled for Saturday July 28 evening. For details click here.
APF, the Association of Professional Futurists is celebrating 10 years of existence with a full-day of professional development hosted by the Strategic Innovation Lab (sLab) team July 27 at OCAD University’s landmark Sharp Centre, with a reception in the evening. To top it all the Strategic Foresight & Innovation masters program at OCADU is celebrating being selected for on of the F:BL 2012 awards.
Much to celebrate in a Toronto rapidly becoming a hub for foresight and futurists activities.
Tags: APF, Community Futures, Convention, foresight, futurist, Government 2.0, innovation, OCADU, sLab
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Monday, January 18th, 2010
In response to changing priorities in the world economy the 40th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) traditionally held in Davos (Switzerland) is being held under the motto “Improve the World: Rethink, Redesign, Rebuild”.
The premise of Davos is that changing the world requires global cooperation, which in turn needs engaging stakeholders from business, government, the media, science, religion, the arts and civil society.
The rethink component is driven by the work of over 70 Global Agenda Councils involving over 1000 experts that meet on a regional or sectoral basis to advance ideas and solutions to the most critical challenges facing the world.
The redesign components builds upon the ongoing work of the Forum’s Global Redesign Initiative (GRI), an unprecedented multi-stakeholder dialogue with the ambitious goal of adapting structures and systems of international cooperation to meet present and future challenges challenges that the world is facing.
In order to support a continuing dialogue before and after Davos, WEF has been building a Web 2.0 collaboration platform called WELCOME. Our own Rahaf Harfoush is a key member of that initiative. You can follow the Davos events and discussions on WEF’s web site, or on aggregator sites such as the Eqentia WEF portal. You can also follow them on Twitter (@davos or the tag #WEF). You can also watch on YouTube Lee Howell, Managing Director, Head of Programming & Global Agenda Councils discuss the themes of Davos 2010 here.
Tags: #WEF, Community Futures, Convention, Davos, Government 2.0, leadership
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Tuesday, November 17th, 2009
Communicate. Inspire. Build. These are the tenets of the 2009 Biannual Convention of the BC New Democratic Party, which will be held in Vancouver at the end of November. To commemorate the past 40 Conventions the 2009 Convention features the 40th Ruby Gala Dinner on the evening of Saturday November 28th.
The keynote speaker is our own Rahaf Harfoush, author of “Yes We Did” who will be talking about the changing face of social media and how these tools can be used to achieve organizational goals.
Tags: BC, British Columbia, Community Development, Convention, Government 2.0, NDP, New Media, Obama campaign, Obama volunteer, social media, Yes She Did
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Thursday, October 15th, 2009
HealthCare Leaders is a non-profit association of individuals who hold leadership and management positions in health care, or within organizations that serve health care, in British Columbia.
HealthCare Leaders is most frequently known for its continuing professional education offerings including its annual Leadership Conference in October and Community Care Conference in May, both of which draw hundreds of participants from all parts of the province. The Association provides several other services for members.
This year’s Leadership Conference will be held on October 19th and 20th at the Fairmont Waterfront Hotel in Vancouver, BC. It is titled “Leading Healthcare: Inspire and Achieve” and will be focusing on leadership strategies, complex networks and organizational reform. The full program of the conference can be found here. The Foush will be speaking at the conference on October 20th and will be signing her book Yes We Did
Tags: BC, British Columbia, Community Development, Government 2.0, Health Care, healthcare, Keynote, leadership, Obama campaign, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Wednesday, September 30th, 2009
Over the past 20 years, Moncton transformed itself from a blue-collar town with an uncertain future to one of the most diversified and fastest growing metropolitan centers in Canada. The success of its transformation is entirely due to its focus on the Broadband Economy, and how all stakeholders have collaborated to leverage technology for community development.
The hard work of the past two decades was recognized earlier this year when the Intelligent Community Forum in New York named Moncton one of the 2009 Top Seven Intelligent Communities in the world. In fact, the Canadian Province of New Brunswick has been identified by the Intelligent Community Forum as a best practice model. This year, two New Brunswick cities, Moncton and Fredericton, are among the 2009 Top Seven Intelligent Communities.
Now Moncton is host to the First Intelligent Communities Summit, where participants will share best practices and brainstorm on the next steps in leveraging technology for community development. These next steps will be designed to help businesses and communities weather economic storms, prosper and improve quality of life.
Rahaf will be the keynote speaker at the Economic Club of Canada luncheon on October 7th. The presentation will be followed by a book signing event for Rahaf’s book Yes We Did.
Tags: Community Development, Community Futures, Government 2.0, Intelligent communities, Keynote, Moncton, New Media, Obama campaign, Obama volunteer, social media, Voices that Matter, Yes She Did
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Sunday, August 16th, 2009
IT World Canada (publisher of CIO Canada) in association with the CIO Association of Canada, is holding its first CIO Exchange on September 16th, 2009. The format of this new “forward-facing event” consists of a on-day peer-to-peer direct exchange of insights and expertise around critical issues facing CIOs.
This first CIO Exchange will be addressing the precarious balance between two often-competing principles: the openness necessary to integrate with all partners in the value chain, and the security to ensure the safety of systems and intellectual property — and from potential legal liability. This topic has increasing importance given the rapid proliferation of wireless networks and mobile devices.
The keynote address will be delivered by Chris S. Thomas, Chief Strategist, Intel Corporation and Director of Architecture, World Ahead. Nabil has been invited to participate in this Exchange and will be reporting back in our blog on the outcomes of this event.
Tags: CIO Canada, CIOCAN, Government 2.0, Keynote, mobility, openness, security, wireless
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