The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), an international organization founded in 1996, is the main representative body of the online advertising industry in the world. This international non-profit organization is dedicated exclusively to promoting the use and to maximizing the effectiveness of Internet advertising.
The IAB Argentina chapter, founded in 2001 by 22 major organizations in the online advertising industry in Argentina, brings together publishers of Internet content, advertisers, advertising agencies, media, ad networks, research and audit firms, interactive agencies, technology companies and other organizations committed to the development of marketing and Internet advertising .
IAB has currently more than 300 active member companies in the U.S. alone, and has also presence in Canada, Brazil, Puerto Rico, France, Hong Kong, Japan, Poland, Singapore, Spain, Thailand and Holland.
Rahaf will be the keynote speaker on November 16, 2009 at the IAB Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tags: Argentina, IAB, Keynote, Marketing, New Media, Obama campaign, Obama volunteer, social media, Yes She Did